Breast Lump Cancer Recognizing The Symptoms Early Can Increase Your Survival

Breast lumps occur in at least 60 percent of all women, though the majority is not even aware it. Breast lumps are usually benign and inflammatory in nature. As a matter of fact, only about 17 percent are identified as cancerous. However, the statistics should not make you any less concerned because it’s still necessary that you visit your doctor for breast lump cancer evaluation.

“Prevention is better than cure” – and the common expression lives on. It is not surprising that this adage has been around for as long as one can remember because indeed, prevention is better than any cure. How often have you heard your mother informing you to brush your teeth daily to prevent dental caries; wash your hands meticulously before you eat; increase daily activities to boost health; and many more. Well, this old saying is similarly true for breast lump cancer as well. Early detection and education on breast lump cancer symptoms can truly save you, in case you have one.

Educating yourself on breast lump cancer symptoms can assist you in the early detection of this fatal disease. The signs that suggest a lump is more likely to be a breast lump cancer are the following:

• Only one lump is present

• A similar lump is not present on the other breast

•The lump feels stone-hard

•The lump is irregular in shape

•The lump is not mobile; it’s deeply attached to surrounding tissues

•The lump is painful

•The lump is located in the middle of the breast

•The lump is associated with bloody nipple discharge and puckering of the skin

Although 80 percent of breast lumps are benign, there remains a 20 percent chance that a lump is already a breast lump cancer. No woman, or even a doctor, can exactly determine if a particular lump in the breast is benign or not. A woman must undergo diagnostic exams such as mammography and/or biopsy in order to find out for sure if the lump is actually breast lump cancer, or just another case of benign breast disease.

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