How To Cope With Bulimia

Bulimia is a life threatening disorder that slowly kills your body. Bulimic individuals will usually consume large amount of food in a short period of time. Then feeling guilty, they would they try to compensate by purging the food out of the body by any means necessary. So if you are a bulimic, you need to stop this right now. Bulimia can result from many things such as depression, anger, low self esteem and other emotional issues. Here are some ways you could learn to cope as a bulimic.

1. Educate yourself what bulimia is really about. How the disorder does comes about. You also need to understand what bulimia could do to your body. One bad consequence you could learn of bulimia is that the acid from your stomach will rot your teeth. This will result in yellow or jagged teeth. Understand that bulimia has serious consequences such as malnutrition. It could also lead to suicide. Furthermore, purging all the time also causes a serious imbalance in your body and you are putting health in jeopardy.

2. Confide in a friend. Tell someone that you can trust about your problem. Ask for their support and ask them to assist you. It must be someone you are able to trust like a teacher, family or a school counselor. They will be more than willing to give you all the support and encouragement that you need.

3. Get professional help. You could always seek advice from recovery centers and a physician. You may need both medical intervention and counseling to get you through this.

4. Learn how to eat properly. You could always seek a nutritionist for advice. Learn how to eat properly. Understand your food issues and how to deal with it.

Lastly, remember to be kind to yourself. You are worthwhile. Never let other people question your self worth. Be persistent and never give up and you will be able to beat this eating disorder.

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