How To Say No To Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction is a perceived difficulty in controlling your intake of sugary food or sweet beverages. Something so innocent that is in everyday food actually affects the brain chemistry and may cause sugar addiction. The behavioral effects are similar to the neurochemical changes in the brain that also occur with addictive drugs. Because of the sweet but addictive nature, it is very difficult to gibe up sugar. But here are a few steps you can take to say NO to your sugar addiction.


Every time you go out for dinner, don’t order any sweet beverages to go with your meal. Order a glass of warm water. Other sweet beverages such as fizzy drinks are just loaded with sugar. Water on the other hand is good for your health and it is zero in calories.

Don’t buy junk food or sugary food.

When you go shopping for groceries, avoid going to the snacks section. You’ll be more tempted to buy snacks. Do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach or when feeling emotional. When you are feeling emotional, you are more likely to turn to sugary stuff as a means to vent your frustration. Before you go to the grocery store, make a list of things that you need to buy. Be focused on that list. Once you are finished, head on straight to the counter and pay for your purchases. Do not linger around!


Eat fruits. Replace your sugar addiction with a healthier alternative. Fruits! Fruits are naturally sweet and they are healthy for you. So keep an apple in your bag and reach for it every time you feel the urge for a sugary treat.

Lastly, be realistic. You can’t expect to kick your addiction overnight. Give it time and soon you will be free from your sugar addiction.

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