Tips for Lowering Your Cholesterol
If you've discovered you have high cholesterol, you'll likely want to get started on lowering your cholesterol right away. Fortunately, high cholesterol is a medical condition that you have a lot of control over.
Unlike cancer and many other diseases, high cholesterol is entirely within your ability to change. Here are a few tips to help you lower your cholesterol levels.
==> The Pros and Cons of Medication
The most effective manner to reduce cholesterol is to take medications. Medications are more effective than both exercise and dietary changes on lowering cholesterol.
However, what's interesting about medications for lowering cholesterol is that they don't actually lower mortality or complication rates.
In other words, even though medication can help you reduce your cholesterol, the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle still show up in other ways.
In light of that, the best way to lower cholesterol while actually improving your health is to do it naturally, with the aid of medication if the high cholesterol counts get to threatening levels.
==> Eat Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown time and time again to be an extremely effective tool for lowering cholesterol levels.
You can eat whole fish, or you can even eat canned fish or omega-3 fish oil supplements. Fish in all its different forms lower both triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels.
Try to add fish into your normal weekly diet.
==> Replace Your Fats
Try to reduce high cholesterol fats with low cholesterol, healthy plant fats.
Instead of putting margarine or butter on your bread, try using a couple slices of avocado instead. The texture is similar, but it's more natural and much healthier.
Instead of using peanut oil, try cooking with olive oil. Again, natural plant oils are much healthier and have lower cholesterols.
Fats in and of themselves aren't bad for you. It's only the processed and high cholesterol fats that harm you.
==> Go Easy on the Meat
Avoid eating meat too often. Instead, try to eat vegetables and fruits more often, as well as whole grains.
When you do eat meat, try to go for leaner cuts. Avoid fatty steaks and bulky pieces of meats. Make sure you avoid the skin and the areas of fat right beneath the skin.
Try to eat chicken or fish rather than red meats.
==> Eat at Home More Often
The trouble with eating out is that you can't see how much sugar, oils, butter and other kinds of fats and chemicals they're putting in your food.
Often times if you looked in the kitchen while they were cooking your dish, you'd be shocked at how many high cholesterol ingredients they're putting in there.
Try to avoid eating out whenever possible. Eat at home and use fats and sweeteners sparingly.
Lowering your cholesterol is entirely within your control. Talk to your doctor about a target level and use these tips to help you get started.
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