How to Use Your Pedometer Effectively
One very inexpensive tool is a pedometer and this is a great way to keep track of how much exercise you do each day. A pedometer will measure your daily steps and this can then convert into just how active you are.
* 5,000 steps or less = Sedentary
* 5,000 to 7,500 = Low Activity
* 7,501 to 9,999 = Somewhat Active
* 10,000 to 12,499 = Active
* 12,500 and up = Very Active
From this chart you can see why many sources recommend that you get in at least 10,000 steps per day.
You can purchase a pedometer from places like Wal-Mart, Amazon and Sports Stores both on and off line. For under $20 you can easily purchase a good pedometer and one that will help calculate the amount of calories you burn each day as well.
Put your pedometer on first thing in the morning. Just leave it in your bathroom and then you can simply clip it on while getting dressed. Keep your pedometer on all day and check it every couple of hours. At first just record the number of steps that you take until you literally get into bed at night. This will be your starting base.
After recording your steps the first time you might be surprised at just how inactive you are. Maybe you only recorded 3,000 steps. If this is the case don’t worry, just
work on increasing the number each day. Why not keep a journal and record the number of steps taken. Do this over a month’s time and you can really see how much you progress in a month.
To increase the number of steps you take each day keep checking your pedometer every 2 hours. Then make a point of adding another couple of hundred steps. This could be done by walking to the mail box, walking up and down your basement stairs or just taking your dogs out for a bathroom break!
If you are working why not get together with a group of friends and have a pedometer challenge? Joining a walking program is another great option. The American Heart Association can help you find walking paths across the U.S.
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