Beverages To Avoid During A Hangover


One of the number one beverages you want to avoid are beverages that contain caffeine. Caffeine only drains what little energy you have and will make your stomach feel 10 times worse than what it feels already. Make sure that you stay with fruit juices or clear liquids to ensure that you don't add more pain during your hangover.

More Alcoholic Drinks

It is a common misconception that putting more alcohol in your body helps cure your symptoms of a hangover. I'm not saying that one drink isn't going to help any of your symptoms that you are experiencing from your hangover, however you are certainly defeating the purpose of trying to get rid of the alcohol level in your bloodstream, whoich will only ag-on the duration of your alcohol. You want to get rid of alcohol in your body... not put more into it.

When you experinece a hangover your symptoms can last up to 24 hours! So you may find it to be a wise idea to hold off on anymore alcohol consumption for the next 36 hours to give your body the recovery time it needs to heal!

Milk And Other Dairy Products

You want to stay away from any milk or dairy products when you are experiencing a hangover. Especially if you are experiencing symptoms of stomach pains and upset stomach. Milk will only mix with acids present in your stomach and will then sour on your stomach. Nothing is worse then throwing up chunks of milk period... especially when you are hungover!

However, milk can help you to prevent a hangover from happening. Drinking a glass of milk before your night of partying will fill your stomach more which will alleviate the amounts of alcholo you will be able to consume. So if you don't feel like consuming a plate of food before you go on your night out on the town then consume a fulfilling glass of milk. Surprisingly it will not upset your stomach while consuming alcohol.

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